Consider These Tips When Returning to Work After Knee Replacement

If you’ve undergone a total knee replacement, you may wonder when (and how) to return to work safely.

The good news is that you will likely be able to enjoy previous levels of functionality. As one orthopedic surgeon noted of total knee replacements, they tend to help “patients…stay in their work environment.” A recent study found that some 98 percent of knee replacement surgery patients can return to work.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should hurry. Returning too quickly or failing to follow surgeon-recommended aftercare practices can result in repeated injury or permanent harm.

Signs You May be Ready to Return to Work

Many surgeons recommend scheduling your return about six weeks after surgery if you have a relatively sedentary job. The waiting period may be longer—say, 12 weeks—if you take on more physically demanding projects.

As you recuperate, you may notice the following indicators of increasing health and mobility:

  • No longer depending on painkillers to manage your recovery
  • No longer taking medication that causes drowsiness
  • Increasing strength in your leg
  • The ability to drive, walk, and even run independently

If you exhibit these behaviors consistently, you may start thinking about returning to work with your doctor’s approval.

Once you get to work, you need to continue playing it safe.

Post-TKR Work Practices: Take It Easy for Ongoing Health and Safety

When you’ve returned to work, consider implementing the following practices to ease back into full functionality at a slow, steady, and safe rate:

  • Take a rest when you feel tired. Accept that this may be more often than usual.
  • Go to your doctor or physical therapist for regular checkups. If they recommend taking a break from work, do so.
  • Tell your boss and coworkers about your anticipated recuperation schedule. Be clear about your need to go easy on yourself (and about what could happen if you don’t).

If your workplace doesn’t feel supportive, it may be time to reach out to personal injury attorneys who will be.

Rely on Tarzana, California Personal Injury Lawyers for the Assistance You Need

When you’re managing your recovery from invasive surgery, you need an understanding work environment. If your boss or coworkers push you to do things you’re not ready for, you may require assistance.

At Accident Defenders, we’re here to help you recuperate safely. We can help you negotiate for extended leave, compensation, and other benefits.

Call us today at 323-818-HURT to learn more about how we can help.

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