Insurance Tactics Used to Deny Work Injury Claims

Insurance companies don’t always have an injured person’s best interests in mind when making decisions. In fact, they’ll do everything in their power to avoid paying out claims. That’s because insurance companies exist to make profits for their shareholders, not take care of injury victims. If you’ve been hurt on the job, you may experience this first hand. Here are just a few of the tactics commonly used by insurers to avoid paying out injury claims:

Asking for Recorded Statements

It might seem reasonable to go on record about the accident that caused your injury. Unfortunately, though, insurance companies use recorded statements to deny work injury claims all the time. Claims adjusters may ask you questions about your injuries, even if you haven’t yet received a diagnosis from your doctor. Even responding that you’re “fine” when asked how you’re doing could jeopardize your settlement. That’s why we always advise our clients not to speak to the insurance company without a lawyer present.

Requesting Medical Record Authorization

Another common technique insurance companies use to avoid paying claims is asking for medical record authorization. Once you sign off, the insurance company can access your complete medical history, including records from any doctor or specialist you’ve visited at any point in your lifetime. Adjusters will look for any preexisting condition possible to deny your claim. Even the most minor of diagnoses can jeopardize your claim.

Refusing to Approve Physician Referrals

The authorized treating physician responsible for treating you after a workplace injury may want to refer you to another specialist. In many cases, insurance companies deny these referrals, causing serious delays in treatment. This tactic also jeopardizes your health as you wait to get the care you need.

Adjusters are hoping to draw out the claims process as long as possible in the hopes of convincing you to settle for less than you deserve. Agree to a settlement too early, though, and you’ll sign away your right to pursue additional compensation. That’s why experts recommend waiting until you’ve reached maximum medical improvement, or MMI, before accepting a settlement. It’s impossible to predict exactly what healthcare and accommodations you’ll need long-term, so it’s important not to settle with the insurance company too quickly.

Don’t Face the Insurance Company Alone 

The impact of some workplace injuries can be felt for a lifetime. In most cases, you’ll only have one chance to seek appropriate compensation. The tactics above are just a few of the most common strategies used to deny work injury claims. Without an experienced workplace injury attorney representing you, it may be difficult to get the compensation you deserve.

Allow The Accident Defenders to review your claim. We can go toe to toe with the insurance company to ensure the maximum possible settlement for your injury. Dial 323.818.HURT or fill out our brief online form to get started. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible!

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